Marsha & Carol came through from Gunnison on their way to Denver today and clued me in on some nice notes on Ravelry about Serendipity. It was sweet to read them this evening - I feel honored to have a mention in this new knit & crochet community.

Our local beautification board meets at the store the first Tues of every month and we had a full house this evening. We talked about our scarecrow fundraiser - Miss Muffet did get the most contributions, winning us a mention in our local paper! She is being purchased with a donation by our friend (and yarn fairy creator), Gae Sharp-Richardson, to cross state lines and live in a chocolate store called Temptations in Atkins, Iowa. Gae is providing chocolates for Serendipity to hand out at the Chocolate Walk being sponsored by the Buy Local campaign on Sat, Dec. 1.
I am also excited about the possibility of an unexpected visit from daughter, Chris, from Sydney, AU. The visa situation is always a challenge and it may require a visit home for a change and the ability to stay a little longer to pursue some new opportunities life is bringing her way - a restaurant she loves and a handsome young man she is beginning to love.
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