Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tami and a first time customer from Greeley--she has two granddaughter, one who is 3, and the other is to arrive the first part of January. I had some great grandma time talking about our little girls that will be coming into this world soon. Tami is expecting a new grandchild also!! I almost have little "Speed bumps" sweater done out of the Debbie Bliss Eco cotton and want to knit another for her with the Amy Butler yarn. There are some oh so soft stuffed toys to choose from also.

Now how they get possum into a yarn is beyond me. The only possum I have ever seen is on the TV or by the side of the road (not alive) The fingerless gloves we carry are made out of Rimu yarn, 60% merino and 40% possum. Do they farm the things? Anyway the gloves are wonderful and the green scarf in the photo are knit from the yarn. Come in and take a look at that for sure, it may be the closest you ever get to a possum.

The new Amy Butler bags are in!


Serendipity Fiber Artists said...

Here is a link for more info on knitting with possum..... http://www.knitwithpossum.com/

Anonymous said...

I do believe that's the closest I'd want to get to a possum. Love the bags!