Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hatting like mad :)

 We had 11 women come to Serendipity on Saturday morning for the Mobius Hat Class.  Sharon Edwards taught the class, Jody and I were listening in from the bottom of the stairs and those gals had way to much fun.  People came from near and far, Betty even drove over from Ouray that morning.  Husbands came along for the trip , while ladies knitted hats  they were fishing and hiking our mountains.  I can't wait to see the hats.  We had just checked in a wide variety of new Noro colors for them the choose from.  That may be my next hat in the marathon hat knitting I am doing.  Oh, just incase you want a pattern Sharon agreed to let us sell them in the store.  Give us a call. 
 This is hat #3in "Call me Crazy" and I couldn't stop knitting on this project.  It is out of my hand spun but I know any worsted weight yarn will work perfectly for this slouch hat.
Thanks Linda for modeling.  I am getting some hand spinning done up so I can be ready to celebrate Spinning month at Serendipity in November at Serendipity.  We also have a intermediate class taught by Janet coming up soon.  I need to practice so I will be ready to learn some new techniques.

1 comment:

Laura said...

What exactly does it take to become a mad hatter? Love the hand spun!
